BRENT ANGIE is a Vice President in the technology industry, currently residing in Austin, Texas with his wife and two children. With an innovative imagination and passion for creativity, his entrepreneurial spirit continues to develop original stories and visionary characters kindled from his own childhood, for his children, and children everywhere. As co-founder and Senior Director of Kid’s Play Books, LLC, and co-author of Chug the Bug: Chug Makes New Friends, he invites you to experience more of Chug’s adventures at, as well as other great children’s books at



ROBERT B. HILL is a writer and graphics designer currently located in Houston, Texas. He has a primary background in literature and creative writing, paired with complementary studies in art and visual communication. As co-founder and Creative Director of Kid’s Play Books, LLC, and co-author of Chug the Bug: Chug Makes New Friends, he enjoys bringing to life extraordinary worlds and charismatic characters for his nieces and nephews, and for children of all ages. To take a closer look at Chug and friends, please visit




Erin Koehler is an artist, currently living in Portland, Oregon. She has a broad fine arts background and enjoys working with traditional and digital media. Constantly looking for new challenges, she continues to grow as an illustrator and art director for books, apps, and films. She is proud to bring the world of Chug the Bug to life with her whimsical and unique visual style. To view more of her work, please visit